
The Look Series: Board + Batten

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Hi, everyone! Lately I've been looking at this huge white wall in my bedroom and trying to decide what I want to do with it - wallpaper, paint, shiplap? On Instagram, I've seen a ton of people doing the #oneroomchallenge and putting up DIY board and batten. So, that's this week's "The Look Series" - below are some of my favorite board and batten inspiration posts I've seen lately!

Via Instagram @brepurposed

My Christmas Wish List

Saturday, December 1, 2018

Hi everyone! Now that it's December (how'd that happen so fast?!) and in line with last week's post, I figured I'd share some items that are on my Christmas wish list.

I mentioned recently that I've been trying to really think about my purchases. In addition to helping with spending, it's also made me want less. I know Christmas can be overwhelming with all the sales and receiving gifts that you may never use, so it's a time that I find it especially helpful to create a list of things you really want and share it with family (and even encourage them to make one as well!). It keeps things simple and meaningful, while always saving room for those homemade gifts from grandma as well ;)

My Christmas Wish List

1. Made By Mary Inhale Exhale Disc Necklace

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